Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Firsts, The Second (Male Singers)


Hope wherever you are, you are still digesting your bountiful repast from last night peacefully and satisfyingly. Our family had a very pleasant Xmas dinner and did the usual exchange of presents.

Back on December 13th, when KKP hit its 1000th article in one year for the first time in its history, I opted to create a "The First" article showing what some of my first aural experiences were with the singers that I've come to truly enjoy over the decades. However, since my list was going to be a fairly long one, I separated it between men and women. So for No. 1000, I dedicated that to what were the first songs that I'd heard from female kayo singers back then.

Now, thirteen days later, Article No. 1036 for 2021 will cover the first songs that I'd heard from the male kayo and J-Pop singers.

Hiromi Go -- Oyome Samba (お嫁サンバ)

Tatsuro Yamashita -- Your Eyes

Hiroshi Itsuki -- Yokohama Tasogare(よこはま・たそがれ)

Anzen Chitai -- Wine-Red no Kokoro (ワインレッドの心)

Masayuki Suzuki -- Wakare no Machi (別れの街)

Sing Like Talking -- Subarashii Yume no Naka de (素晴らしい夢の中で)

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