Monday, May 9, 2022

Ginji Ito -- Destination


Welcome to Monday! I haven't really spoken on COVID here for a while but the mayor of Toronto has lifted the city's state of emergency after 777 days. Honestly speaking, I had completely forgotten that we were still under a state of emergency. But the daily infection rates have dropped quite a bit and for today at least, we haven't had any deaths and hospitalizations seem to be down, so we may be coming out of the 6th wave.

I gather then that we can start off this business week with something nice, light and bright. We have here a nice, light and bright "Destination" by singer-songwriter Ginji Ito(伊藤銀次)from his March 1987 album "Nature Boy". Written by Keiko Aso(麻生圭子)and composed by Ito himself, "Destination" is one upbeat song with a slightly growly electric guitar but otherwise surrounded by some City Pop goodness in the sophisticated pop vein.

Looking at that cover of a very posh-looking Ito sitting on that stool on the cover, it looks like he as well as "Destination" were going for some The Style Council style, especially with that brass blowing away. It's quite the different look for him when compared to his appearance on the cover of his "Deadly Drive" album from a decade earlier, and "Destination" certainly gives a nice attractive sheen to life in the big city.

Nice to bring back Ito to the blog as a singer again since the last time I wrote about him on that level was for a Xmas tune by him back in 2018.

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