Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Nobuyuki Shimizu -- Sayonara Mata Itsuka(さよならまたいつか)


Not that I am trying to give a plug to this site but I do like to use thumbnails based on the song to a certain extent, and I did want to find a sunset photo. I managed to do so at for this shot taken in Pakistan.

And the reason that I wanted to get a sunset shot was because how I feel about this song. Back in late 2021, I found out that multi-instrumentalist and arranger Nobuyuki Shimizu(清水信之), who usually gets his name up here through his creations for other singers, released a couple of his own albums, with the first one being "Corner Top" in 1980. One of those tracks was "Silver Spot", a jazzy City Pop instrumental.

Well, here's another one from "Corner Top", "Sayonara Mata Itsuka" (Goodbye and See You Again). I was surprised to realize that the song was actually the third track. The song, including its title, make it seem as if it would have made a great ender to the album. It does have that bluesy dusky feeling which could accompany the end of a tough bur ultimately rewarding day leading to Miller Time!🍺 Alternately as the title hints at, it could also be the theme for a sad and happy departure of friends who will not be seeing each other for a while at least. Not sure what instrument is the lead here...maybe it's a synthesizer or a pianica but it does convey the message.

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