Friday, February 24, 2023

Ruiko Kurahashi -- Windy(ウィンディ)


I received all sorts of warm and fuzzies listening to this one for the first time in a long while. Perhaps in this decade, I ought to refer to that expression as ASMR.

The reason for that is the arrangement of the cool keyboards including the Fender Rhodes, the wailing guitar and the young lady behind those wonderful vocals, Ruiko Kurahashi(倉橋ルイ子). Here she is performing "Windy" which is a track from her 1983 "Rolling" album. Given lyrics by Rui Serizawa(芹沢類)and music by City Pop stalwart Tetsuji Hayashi(林哲司), "Windy" is truly breezy but this is not a park but the concrete jungle of Tokyo. The warm and fuzzies come from the overall melody which hints at the metropolitan life back then whether it be the hotel bar in Shinjuku or a street-level Renoir café anywhere in Tokyo.

Twitter friend halcali remarked a few days ago that they enjoyed my name dropping of Kurahashi when I mentioned her in Tsugutoshi Goto's(後藤次利)"file" where I also referenced her "Itsuka Dokoka de"(いつかどこかで). It's always nice to encounter a fellow Kurahashi fan online since they are so few and far between, so I opted to bring "Windy" into the KKP fold. Besides it's been almost a year since I put up a Kurahashi article, and I also wanted to remind folks that she wasn't just an interpreter for laconic Fashion Music but also someone who could also bring in the urban and urbane; after all, she also recorded "December 24".

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