Sunday, September 3, 2023

Rikako Aida -- Ordinary Love


Well, with the aging process in full roll now, I have to admit that I was about to write on both the opening and ending themes for the 2019 anime adaptation of "Senryu Shojo"(川柳少女...Short Poetry Girl). However, I found out that I had already given my two cents on the opener "Kotonoha no Omoi"(コトノハノオモイ...Memories of Classic Japanese Poetry) by Sonoko Inoue(井上苑子)all the way back in that year. Looks like my own memories need some re-jigging.

The reason that I'm mentioning this adorable and tsukkomi-filled 15-minute anime once more a few years later is that I've been re-watching the entire series again. Nope, it has neither earned any new seasons nor superlatives, but as someone who prefers the mild slice-of-life stuff, it's been nice going over the lives of Nanako and Eiji and their surrounding buddies once more. 

"Ordinary Love" by Rikako Aida(逢田梨香子), a member of the aidoru group Aquors just like Ai Furihata(降旗愛), is the pleasant and contemplative piano-and-guitar ballad which finishes off each episode. Written by Satomi and composed by Kouhei Aoki(青木康平), I think that the song has the right title in depicting the budding relationship between a young girl who can only communicate via a special form of haiku on a stiff strip of writing board known as tanzaku(短冊)and a former delinquent who's really a bunny-loving nice dude. Even they deserve some ordinary love.

Considering the above video with Nanako becoming good buddies with Kino in their distinctive fashion, I remember the point that I made in the posting regarding last year's anime "Aharen-san wa Hakarenai"(阿波連さんははかれない...Miss Aharen is Indecipherable) and "Komi-san wa, Komyu-sho desu."(古見さんは、コミュ症です。...Komi Can't Communicate). Just imagine a tea party with Nanako, Kino, Komi-san, Aharen-san,  Chino Kafuu of Rabbit House, and Kanna Kamui Kobayashi. It says a lot when Chino-chan would most likely be the most vocally active of this quiet sextet.

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