
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

J-Canuck's Favourite Ballads by Female Singers


Realizing my advancing years and my regressing memory, it's possible that I may have already put something similar up on the blog, but at this point, I don't think so. In any event, enjoying my gentle love songs alongside my upbeat bangers, I wanted to use this quiet Sunday night to put up some (and definitely not all) of my favourite ballads by female singers. The first two entries, in fact, were created by crooning singer-songwriter Takao Kisugi(来生たかお)who will be in the article for a similar Author's Pick on the male balladeers.

(1982) Akina Nakamori -- Second Love (セカンド・ラブ)

(1981) Junko Ohashi -- Silhouette Romance(シルエット・ロマンス)

(1981) Ruiko Kurahashi -- Last Scene ni Ai wo Komete (ラストシーンに愛をこめて)

(1982) Minako Yoshida -- Hoho ni Yoru no Akari(頬に夜の灯)

(1983) Hiromi Iwasaki -- Ieji (家路)


  1. Since I have been reading this blog I do not remember you doing a post on this before. I do like your picks here! Akina Nakamori and Hiromi Iwasaki would be on my top ten list too.

    1. The label Ballad was only a recent addition so I figured that I probably hadn't posted such a list.


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