Friday, July 26, 2024

Machiko Watanabe -- Summer Night


The above shot was taken on June 24th 2011 as I was walking in the Daimon neighbourhood of Tokyo. Don't quite remember how it felt although I know I walked a long while but the fact that I was even able to do two straight hours meant that it wasn't all that hot that one summer night. Right now, I believe the megalopolis is going through its usual steamy bath days and nights.😵

Long time no see, Machiko Watanabe(渡辺真知子). Good to meet you again. For all of us, I have "Summer Night", a song written and composed by the singer with Motoki Funayama(船山基紀)handling the arranging duties. A breezy City Pop tune with a touch of that disco in the beat rather than the strings which sound more romantic, the whole thing sounds like something of intrigue. It's as if Watanabe and Funayama had been assigned to create metropolitan music as a theme song for a detective program but got rejected at the last moment.

"Summer Night" was the B-side to Watanabe's 8th single, "Hold Me Tight", which was released in May 1980. Both songs ended up on her 5th studio album from August of that year, "Libra". I would think that the nights in that month were typically torrid.

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