
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hiroshi Madoka -- Musician(ミュージシャン)


Y'know...I'm just a few weeks shy of twelve years since I first posted singer-songwriter Hiroshi Madoka's(円広志)"Musoubana"(夢想花), the song whose chorus encourages everyone to fly nine times. Once you hear it, you never quite forget it.

Well, a couple of years after that hit debut single, Madoka released his 4th single "Musician" in April 1980. In a way, I guess it's kinda like his tribute to the hard-working musician out there in the same way that Billy Joel gave his kudos to the piano man working for his fee and tips. With words and music by the singer and then arrangement by Motoki Funayama(船山基紀), it has that nostalgic feeling of a typical Japanese pop ballad in those late 70s and early 80s with the wailing electric guitar and silky strings. Plus, it starts off with a fairly frenetic Spanish guitar before Madoka sets the languid tone.

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