Sunday, September 1, 2024

SOULHEAD -- Feel Like Jumping


The title for this song will always remind me of Bobby Van's famous hopping sequence (known as "Take Me to Broadway") for the 1953 musical "Small Town Girl". How the guy did it without needing traction for the following six months is beyond me, but he gets my respect.

When it comes to the Sawayama sister act of SOULHEAD, I will first go to "Like a Queen", their dynamic collaboration with songsmith Tomita Lab(富田ラボ). Strangely enough though, the first song that I posted about them was their January 2007 13th and final single to date "Dear Friends". The coupling song to the main song was "Feel Like Jumping" which is a whole lot less frenetic than Van's "Street Dance" but it's still a happy and groovy R&B romp with Tsugumi and Yoshika having their own fun time on the town. Wouldn't mind hearing some of these songs coming back in the 2020s. SOULHEAD took care of words and music with OCTOPUSSY helping out on the melody.

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