Monday, September 2, 2024

Akiko Kobayashi -- Maria(マリア)


Well, Happy Labour Day to all those people and nations that celebrate it. It also means that the summer holidays for the kids are about to end so I never had a particular love for the first Monday in September

Although I've gone over singer-songwriter Akiko Kobayashi's(小林明子)albums in their own articles in the past, I've been more piecemeal with her 3rd album "Naturally" from September 1987. Perhaps that's because it's my least favourite album within her discography which isn't saying a lot since all of her albums are lovely, but comparatively speaking, the tracks on "Naturally" haven't particularly popped out in my memories although I have covered the tracks "Helpless" and "Love is Easy". 

One more track that I can put up though is "Maria" which was written and composed by the singer. An old-fashioned snail mail exchange between former flames in Japan and Brazil including the titular lass, the man in the former country is apparently still on good terms with his ex-girlfriend when he lets her know that he's found a new belle in his life. Perhaps the situation is bittersweet but Kobayashi's lyrics are adorned by a suitably serene bossa nova melody with an air of relaxing vacation comfort.

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