Saturday, April 23, 2016

Meiko Nakahara -- Friday Magic

(karaoke version)

Well, it's not exactly Friday night's Saturday night but the sentiments are there. In any case, I had a nice chance with a bunch of friends earlier today to say goodbye to a good friend who will be making a sudden move with his family to Vancouver next weekend for a new work opportunity. At my age, getting together with friends isn't all that easy anymore but with the summer blockbuster season upon us, I am hoping for some more get-togethers to catch "Captain America: Civil War" and the latest "X-Men" movie.

Anyways, onto my other passion here. I have to say that singer-songwriter Meiko Nakahara(中原めいこ)came up with some fine album covers in the 1980s including the one above for "Friday Magic" which was released in December 1982 as her 2nd album. I'd say that some of those covers would rate as some of the most symbolic for Japanese pop music during that decade.

The title track, which was written and composed by Nakahara, also came out as her 3rd single later in March 1983. "Friday Magic" has that boppy and poppy beat that I've often associated with a Nakahara creation but there are also parts where the song reminded me of Ami Ozaki(尾崎亜美)in the way that she drew out her lyrics with her vocals.

Magical Friday night in Asakusa

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