Friday, April 22, 2016

Michiru Hoshino -- Watashi wa Schedy(私はシェディー)

I was going to close off tonight with my usual two contributions to "Kayo Kyoku Plus" when I encountered the above Future Funk/Vaporwave/whatever creation performed to the swaying figure of one Lynn Minmay. And I was quite curious about the originating song since I could hear elements that I enjoyed.

Well, I managed to track it down to former AKB48 member Michiru Hoshino's(星野みちる)"Watashi wa Schedy" (I am Schedy) which was a track on her debut full album "Hoshi ga Michiru"(星がみちる...Filling with Stars)released in July 2013. Hoshino has already been highlighted in "Kayo Kyoku Plus" by Marcos V. who introduced us to her "Seikan Renrakusen" (星間連絡船)which came out a year later, a song that I also liked.

Now I can understand how Marcos felt when he discovered "Seikan Renrakusen". I possibly had the same feeling listening to "Watashi wa Schedy". Like "Seikan Renrakusen", "Watashi wa Schedy" has that appealing spacy groove to it. It's sweet and out there at the same time (kinda like Abby Sciuto on "NCIS"), and I could imagine that it would have made a nice addition to the soundtrack for the anime "Space Dandy". One commenter for Marcos' article mentioned that he enjoyed the "Hoshi ga Michiru" album. If there are any more of this spacy groove in it, I may just pick it up myself.

I couldn't find out who composed and wrote "Watashi wa Schedy" (which is a pity since I really want to know what a schedy is). However, at least for the composition, at least I think I can resolve that part. "Watashi wa Schedy" is heavily taken from "Clouds Across The Moon" which was a single released by the RAH Band in 1985. Created by the lone member of the band, Richard Anthony Hewson, there is a bit more technopop in the arrangement but this song is also a wonderful romantic ballad of the stars. I almost wanted to slap myself upside the head after listening to it since I was a big listener of UK pop of the 1980s (Depeche Mode, Swingout Sister, Level 42, etc.) and I had never heard of either the RAH Band or "Clouds Across The Moon". But better late than never as they say, and it's still always a joy to discover some new appealing music no matter how old it actually is.


  1. "Shedi is the name of Cassiopeia star Shedi that fell in love with star Altair" according to

    It got many different spellings - Schedar, Shedar, Schedir, Shedir

    1. Hi there.

      Thanks for answering my question. It all makes sense now with the space theme of the song and video. :)

  2. Hi, J-Canuck.

    Michiru Hoshino is truly an interesting aidoru. Last year, she released another album, this time called "YOU LOVE ME more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow" (weird title, for sure), with great new gems, such as the light "Natsu Nandashi" and the Motown-esque "Sakamichi no Tochuu".

    As for the RAH Band, I had to think for a couple of minutes... then, I finally remembered the only song I knew from them, which is the groovy and cosmic "Message From The Stars".

    1. Hi, Marcos.

      Yeah, I'm not sure if the spacy groove thing had been her intended genre but it certainly works for me. :)

  3. Dows anyone know the lyrics?

    1. Unfortunately, I don't have the CD and I know that the lyrics don't exist online as of yet. Hopefully, others may know.


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