Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Akira Inoue & Tomoko Soryo -- Two in the Wind

Well, I gotta's been quite a week. Wouldn't say that it was the happiest one by any means but it was distinctive. Last Wednesday, we lost our TV for almost a week but because of that, we were able to re-discover some of those fun shows from the tapes of Japanese TV that I had made a long time ago. Then, in going to a new telecommunications provider yesterday, we thought we going into a new age of amazing speed and clarity...only for the modem to die. As someone whose livelihood and hobby-hood depend on the Internet, this wasn't easy for me to swallow...thus it was a very sleepless night last night and I even got up early and went to the lobby of my building to see if I could catch (or grab) any technician who was working on any of the other units. Fortunately, later on in the day, a much older and wiser fellow dropped by to resolve the mess left by the younger and more sullen tech from yesterday who pretty much left the stuff and ran. Mind you, it wasn't all despair. I was able to realize with some happy surprise that my local library's wi-fi was much improved so I now have a backup place to head to if something similarly bad happens again.

So, now after a week-long odyssey of technological hobbling, my family and I are fully back (knock on wood) with television and Internet. Of course, I can get back to "Kayo Kyoku Plus". Therefore, let us do so.

I was able to find one song that perfectly sums up my mood of technological disjointedness and wandering during the past week. "Two in the Wind" is a duet between Akira Inoue(井上鑑)and Tomoko Soryo(惣領智子)that was part of the soundtrack for the 1984 movie "Windy" with English lyrics by Jimmy Compton. Classifying it became a slight problem (partly because I'm currently suffering from sleep deprivation) since I'm not quite sure if it actually truly belongs to one definite genre outside of pop. I think "Two in the Wind" which was written and composed by Inoue has elements of AOR, New Wave and dream pop, and when it first starts out, I pick up on some of the dreamier concoctions of Pet Shop Boys but then later on, I hear guitar riffs which remind me of those played by Fujimal Yoshino(芳野藤丸).

Not sure whether I would make the effort to track down this duet single by Inoue and Soryo or the soundtrack for "Windy", but I can use it to finally lay me peacefully down to sleep tonight and know that there will be a sunnier day tomorrow (again, knock on wood). It's been a weird seven days.

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