Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Perfume -- Laser Beam(レーザービーム)

There's a Wikipedia article for this song which would put any insight that I've contributed here to shame, so head over there after taking a gander at my lines.

"Laser Beam" by technopop trio Perfume was their 13th single from May 2011 and it's definitely one of my more favourite songs by them due to that particular combination of deep but sprightly blippity-bloppity beats along with the high-toned vocals. Apparently, the music video of the ladies tracking that mysterious man-in-white in a "Space: 1999" environment was never completed due to the events of the March 11th Tohoku Earthquake.

What wasn't said in the long Wikipedia article for "Laser Beam" but was printed out in the J-Wiki article was that songwriter Yasutaka Nakata(中田ヤスタカ)was inspired for the title and lyrics by the feats of one Ichiro Suzuki and his laser beam cannon of an arm when he was a Major League Baseball player, according to a 2012 article in the magazine "TV Bros". In fact, choreographer MIKIKO was further inspired from those lyrics to come up with some stylized throws as part of Perfume's moves for the song.

As for "Laser Beam", it peaked at No. 2 on Oricon and then ended up as the 58th-ranked single of 2011. It was also the song Perfume sang in their 4th of 11 appearances on the Kohaku Utagassen that year.

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