Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hiroshi Madoka -- Kaze no Arpeggio(風のアルペジオ)

Even in quiz show-happy Japan where shows and theme music tie-ups have been common for some time, I was a bit surprised that this one was the ending theme for this turn-of-the-decade (80s to 90s) program on TV Asahi called "Quiz Shigotonin"(クイズ仕事人...Quiz Pros).

Not that there is anything wrong with Hiroshi Madoka's(円広志)"Kaze no Arpeggio" (Wind Arpeggio). Far from it. It's quite the shibui song that has that tang of class and Mood Kayo in-bar introspection. Plus, Madoka sounds quite a bit like singer-songwriter Takao Kisugi(来生たかお). I just didn't think that it would be a theme tune for a quiz show; it sounds like something that would adorn a drama or a commercial for a Toyota Cressida driving around at night.

"Kaze no Arpeggio" was Madoka's 15th single and although he is also a songwriter, this particular tune wasn't his creation. The lyricist and composer was Shigeyuki Shibano(柴野繁幸)who had also been the guitarist/vocalist for the 80s rock band, RoveBard(ロブバード). Of course, when it comes to Madoka's magnum opus, there is this one song.

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