Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Junko Ohashi -- Stray Eyes

Managed to pull up another track from "Light Mellow ~ Drive", and it's from an old friend.

(excerpt only)

Listening to her "Stray Eyes" for the first time, I'd assumed that this was another golden oldie of hers from the 70s or 80s, but then hearing some of the synthesized instrumentation on second and third listens, I should have figured that this was a more recent production. And indeed, it was a track from her April 2004 album "trinta".

The liner notes in "Light Mellow ~ Drive" mention about some of that Boz Scaggs strut in "Stray Eyes", but I can also hear some small tribute to another song of hers that suddenly captivated fans all around the world a couple of years back.  Not surprisingly, it was her husband Ken Sato(佐藤健)behind the music itself while Natsumi Tadano(只野菜摘)provided the lyrics. 20th century or 21st century, Ohashi still has the voice and the funk to accompany her way.

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