Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Kenji Sawada -- Burning Sexy Silent Night

For a lot of us here in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, we are all probably in the midst of digesting our Christmas meals of turkey, ham, stuffing, rolls, etc. I certainly am...along with my sister-in-law's delicious homemade apple pie.

Although perhaps the famous carol "Silent Night" was probably at its most appropriate the night before, I think that a breather tonight out on the porch after much eating and heating up while listening to this can also be quite nice. However, how about a burning and sexy silent night?

Yeah, that's kinda weird but singing and songwriting bon vivant Kenji Sawada(沢田研二)did just that with his "Burning Sexy Silent Night", the final track on his 1983 album "Julie Song Calendar". Nothing solemn about this one as good ol' Julie gives his heartfelt serenade to his beloved. With those added adjectives, I couldn't really think of it as being a "silent" night...nudge nudge, wink wink, if you know what I mean. 😎

(clears throat) Anyways, the other interesting observation about "Burning Sexy Silent Night" is how very conventionally pop it sounds. First finding about Sawada when he was already in thrall to his Glam Rock phase in the early 1980s, it's been imprinted upon me about how quirky his costumes and songs were at that time. So, listening to something as down-home as this one when it made its presence known has been an intriguing experience.

"Julie Song Calendar" is an album that I've already mentioned because my last article on Sawada a few short weeks ago dealt with another track, "Menuki Douri no Roku-gatsu"(目抜き通りの6月). Enjoy your further digestion.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and everyone, J-C !

    1. And all the best of the Holidays to you as well, T-cat!


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