Thursday, December 26, 2019

Yasuyuki Okamura -- Kareshi ni Natte Yasashiku Natte(彼氏になって優しくなって)

Yeah, I realize that this isn't really about a disco song but it's the closest appropriate thumbnail that I can come up with at short notice. Anyways, I figure that following last night's Xmas feast and before the beginning of Holiday leftovers, perhaps some exercise in the form of dancing may be in order. You guys can go ahead...I'll sit this one out lest I fracture a hip or something.

Who better to lead the charge than Japan's Funkiest Corporate Section Chief-looking Guy, singer-songwriter Yasuyuki Okamura(岡村靖幸)? And the song is "Kareshi ni Natte Yasashiku Natte" (Becoming a Boyfriend, Becoming Nice), Okamura's 29th single from November 2014 A.D. (or November 1 A.V.N.).

Written and composed by the man himself, he struts and dances up a storm in the music video (which he took care of himself) as he relates the story of how suddenly love can smooth out the roughest edges in even the toughest of fellows. Okamura is the same age as me, so I can only look at his moves with great envy. Maybe he and Tom "Loki" Hiddleston can do a dancing duet someday. I also have to admire that dish of seafood pasta.

The single peaked at No. 15 on Oricon and it was also placed as a track on Okamura's 7th original album "Koufuku"(幸福...Happiness)which went all the way up to No. 3.

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