Tuesday, January 7, 2020

chelmico -- Easy Breezy

As I mentioned the night before, my anime buddy is currently vacationing in Japan but will be back on Canadian soil this weekend. However, that will mean that our own incursion into the beginning of the Winter 2020 season of anime will be delayed (and for that matter, the ending of Autumn 2019 will be even more delayed).

However, I've already gotten my eyes and ears pricked up for one of the new entries this month. Once again, it involves a trio of wacky high school girls but there's something interesting about this show, "Eizouken ni wa Te o Dasu na!"(映像研には手を出すな!...Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)just in the terms of the design of the characters and settings. Plus, the first piece of music used for the commercial advertising it has gotten my attention, too, since it sounds like something that would be ideal in a Tarentino flick.

Then, there is the opening theme for "Eizouken" that has managed to hatch out of its egg and bury itself into my ear like that Ceti eel larva which dined on a bit of Russian via Commander Chekov in "Star Trek II". With every citing of "easy breezy" by the rap duo chelmico, the earworm will inevitably reach the success of its mission.

"Easy Breezy" is their latest single that will be released in about 10 days after this writing by this pair consisting of Rachel and Mamiko. They sound a bit like the second coming of Puffy with more attitude and rat-a-tat dance beats (and that picture of them in their website profile looks like they borrowed Ami and Yumi's fashion sense), and from the YouTube comments, there will be an infestation of earworms if there hasn't been one already. The two of them were responsible for words and music with Ryo Takahashi also working on the melody. Along with the singles, chelmico, who started up in 2016, has put out 3 albums and 2 mini-albums.

Putting up the first article of 2020 in the form of a really catchy anison of an anime that I have yet to see isn't exactly unprecedented on "Kayo Kyoku Plus". I recollect something similar happening three years ago.

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