Friday, February 28, 2020

Miki Matsubara -- Safari Eyes/pas de deux

I've only known the manga and anime known as "Dirty Pair" just by reputation. My anime buddy never particularly regaled me with stories about these "trouble consultants" who actually leave more trouble rather than less, but I'm sure if I ask, he can give me some insights about Kei and Yuri. From what I've read, there was a movie about the ladies titled "Dirty Pair: Project Eden" released late in 1986, and the above seems to be the opening credits sequence sans credits. Pretty darn artistic.

The opening theme, "Safari Eyes" was provided by singer Miki Matsubara(松原みき)as her penultimate single in February 1987. Written by Akira Ohtsu(大津あきら)and composed by Tsunehiro Izumi(和泉常寛), I think it's a bit more on the power pop side than City Pop but it's hard to divorce Matsubara from her status as one of the more famous messengers of the latter genre. Besides, when I listen to "Safari Eyes", I can't help but think about some of the many tunes from "City Hunter" which got its anime version started up in the latter half of the 1980s.

Logically enough, the B-side for "Safari Eyes" was the ending theme to "Dirty Pair: Project Eden", "pas de deux". I think that the needle between 80s power pop and City Pop swings some more into the latter area in the beginning, and maybe even into Lexington Queen territory, but then by the end, it comes back into power pop. Anyways, it's swinging probably like many of those young folk in the various discos in Roppongi and Shinjuku back in those days....or I should say, nights. Natsumi Watanabe(渡辺なつみ)was the lyricist while Project M took care of the dazzling music with arrangement by Mitsuo Hagita(萩田光雄). Hey, maybe there is an extended remix of it somewhere?

And I assume the above includes the ending credits. I've always wondered who started up that girl swimming in a cocktail glass thing.


  1. The CD OST for this anime movie, VDR-1356, is selling used for $100 these days. I think it's pretty rare now. Safari Eyes is a fun track.

    Meiko Nakahara also sang/wrote for the original Dirty Pair anime OST, TOCT-9816 (1997), so it's clearly a series that chose well wrt music.

    1. Hi, gkanai. Yup, a lot of these Japanese albums are getting pretty pricey out there. Hundreds of dollars for some.


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