Friday, February 28, 2020

Stardust Revue -- Monologue

I just only discovered this one last night on YouTube, and I was left thinking, "OK, when did David Foster and Jay Graydon (aka the duo Airplay) have time to whip this one up?". But, they had nothing to do with "Monologue", a track from Stardust Revue's 2nd album, "Koyoi wa Modern Boy"(今宵はモダン・ボーイ...Tonight, I'm a Modern Boy), released in June 1982.

In fact, it wasn't even regular vocalist Kaname Nemoto(根本要), who you can see at the top there, behind vocals or songwriting. Actually, it was songwriter and keyboardist Yasuhiro Mitani(三谷泰弘) mainly at the mike performing "Monologue" which had me thinking of Airplay and a lot of the late Al Jarreau's AOR material from around the same time. It's that keyboard goodness that got me reminiscing.

That design cover of the album and the carefree pose by Mr. Tuxedo there, plus "Monologue" now has me thinking about investing some money now into "Koyoi wa Modern Boy". Could it be like Jarreau's classic 1981 "Breakin' Away"? I was also smitten enough by Mitani's later creation "Natsu no Jou"(夏の女王)to buy the source 1989 album, "In The Sun, In The Shade", so things look promising.

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