Friday, February 21, 2020

Yuki Kato -- Nazo wa To-ka-na-i-de(謎はと・か・な・い・で)

Some months ago, I wrote about one of the more obscure 80s singers that I've crossed paths with on this blog.

Yuki Kato(加藤有紀)is her name and I'd thought that City Pop was her game according to her song "Gokai"(誤解)which was the B-side to her 2nd single, "Nazo wa To-ka-na-i-de" (Don't Solve The Mystery) from June 1983. However, listening to the A-side a couple of times now, I've realized that it is of a completely different musical nature. Flitting among New Wave, ska and circus pop, "Nazo wa To-ka-na-i-de", it just possesses this fun and flighty nature that seems to emulate an afternoon out in the more bohemian parts of town with Cyndi Lauper.

As with "Gokai", Machiko Ryu(竜真知子)was the lyricist but this time, Daisuke Inoue(井上大輔)was behind the hippy-dippy music.

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