Monday, March 2, 2020

Ami Ozaki -- Just In Time

I gotta say that singer-songwriter Ami Ozaki's(尾崎亜美)"Just In Time" is quite different from the City Pop songs that she generated in the late 1970s and early 1980s. A track from her September 1987 album "Jikan Chizu"(時間地図...Time Map), this particular song, which was indeed written, composed and arranged by Ozaki, has got quite a lot of oomph with those horns, and I thought that this would be something even more ideal for Masayuki Suzuki(鈴木雅之).

Perhaps this may also be a song that would be along the lines of Junko Yagami(八神純子)in the 1980s. However, this is not to take anything away from Ozaki since she has put up a fine slice of funk and soul with "Just In Time" as she describes a hot night on the town while staving off the heels before getting into the car with hopefully a guy who has a far deeper impression of the emotion called love. This would be just the audio tonic in the car stereo while driving on the highways of the great megalopolis.

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