Sunday, March 22, 2020

Miyoko Yoshimoto -- Kokoro no Tobira(心の扉)

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the proper clip on YouTube but earlier tonight, I was watching "Chibi Maruko-chan"(ちびまる子ちゃん)and it was most likely the episode that aired following Hideki Saijo's(西城秀樹)passing a few years ago. For those who don't know the connection between him and the show, Maruko's older sister, Sakiko, has long had a major crush on the 1970s aidoru, and the segment dealt with how Sakiko would feel with Saijo as a husband. Of course, having anime characters going ga-ga over other characters and famous people is one of the many tropes that inhabit such a show.

This rather led me to putting up 80s aidoru Miyoko Yoshimoto's(芳本美代子)"Kokoro no Tobira" (Door to Your Heart) that had been in the backlog for some time. It's more on the bubbly and breezy side with a sprinkle of 50s novelty pop sense in there which would probably explain why it sounds more like an early 1980s aidoru tune instead of a song that was released in March 1986 as Yoshimoto's 5th single. However, there are those sweeping strings which I've usually heard in the more European fantastical aidoru songs in the late 1980s. Kazuo Zaitsu(財津和夫)was responsible for the melody with Mitsuo Hagita(萩田光雄)behind the arrangement.

Written by Takashi Matsumoto(松本隆), the lyrics reflect those falling-in-love anime scenes as the young lady in "Kokoro no Tobira" is doing some major swooning over a guy and fantasizing about holding onto his arm while taking that romantic walk together. I also gotta say that for an aidoru, Yoshimoto doesn't have a bad delivery...fairly solid on hitting those notes, aside from some of those high ones.

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