Monday, March 23, 2020

Yoshiko Goshima -- Shiroi Iro wa Koibito no Iro (白い色は恋人の色)

Wherever you are, I hope you are hanging in there.

Last month, I first mentioned about singer-songwriter Yoshiko Goshima(五島良子)and her collaboration with techno unit Denki Groove(電気グルーヴ)on "Niji"(虹)back in 1995. Apparently, according to her J-Wiki article, that was the song which put her on the map, so to speak, but she did put out a good amount of singles in the 1990s starting from 1990 itself. Not a whole lot more information about her except that she was born in Nagoya, and from another webpage, she has a 5-octave range.

It's more of the high notes from her July 1993 single. For kayo fans, this particular song may sound rather familiar since it is a cover of "Shiroi Iro wa Koibito no Iro" (White is the Colour of Lovers) which was originally recorded by Betsy & Chris all the way back in 1969 with Kazuhiko Kato(加藤和彦)and Osamu Kitayama(北山修)of The Folk Crusaders creating it. Yoko Kanno(菅野よう子)was behind the arrangement of the song, and Goshima's heartwarming and child-like delivery (with the harmonies that also distinguished the Betsy & Chris original) help in selling the ever-calming song. The fantasy element is further enhanced by Kanno's arrangement that sounds as if it had been made for "Lord of the Rings".

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