Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Akira Jimbo -- Red Lotus Man

It looks like tonight is Drummer Night since I just finished writing an article on drummer-singer Kavka Shishido(シシドカフカ), and now I'm tackling a solo effort by Akira Jimbo(神保彰), the drummer for the fusion band Casiopea.

One reason that I'm writing about "Red Lotus Man", the first track on Jimbo's solo debut album "Cotton" (1986), is because I'm drawn to the snazziness of the Latin jazz involved here, and the fact that the vocal stylings remind me a whole lot of the works of The Manhattan Transfer. Plus, there is also something rather nostalgic about "Red Lotus Man"...perhaps reminiscent of the vocal groups from the 1950s and 1960s, and I realize that The Manhattan Transfer also liked that period of time as well. Of course, with the Latin brass, I also get hints of Orquesta de la Luz.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find out who was behind the mike for the song, but it was Jimbo behind the music while Kim Dodgson provided the lyrics. I'll have to explore "Cotton" some more.


  1. Akira Jimbo - Hot Winter Night In The Valley

    1. Hello, deux. Thanks for the information on the LA Voice chorus.


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