Wednesday, April 22, 2020

DeBarge -- All This Love

For nostalgia's sake tonight, I put on one of my ancient Canadian Tire tapes with stuff that I had recorded all the way back in my high school years (1980s). Unfortunately, my tape recorder, Jaws, got a bit peckish so it nibbled on some of the tape, and if you have read my article on Akina Nakamori's(中森明菜)"Crimson", it can get a little too messy on the devouring. Luckily, though, the damage wasn't too bad.

The first song on my various tapings from the FM stations on Toronto radio happened to be DeBarge's "All This Love" which was released back in October 1982. "All This Love" stands as one of the great soulful romantic ballads of all time in my estimation. It's one of those special tunes that can truly transport me into a happy place for nearly 6 minutes. Moreover, I don't think it would be too much of a stretch for me to say that thanks to this classic and other great 80s R&B/pop songs, this helped me appreciate Japanese City Pop.

Now, considering that this may be my fourth time paying tribute to a Western tune after also having written about "Love Will Keep Us Together", "Vacation" and most recently "Lovely Day", I've decided to pack these all together into a new Label called Reminiscings of Youth. Basically, if I talk about one of my favourite American, Canadian or British songs when I was a teen or kid, I will see if I can find some of the timely kayo that had come out around the same time as that song.

So, without further ado, here are the Top 3 songs on the Oricon singles chart for October 1982:

1. Aming -- Matsu wa

2. Ippu-Do -- Sumire September Love

3. Masahiko Kondo -- Horeta ze! Kanpai

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