Friday, April 17, 2020

Mizuki Koyama -- Kare ni wa Kanawanai(彼にはかなわない)

The first time that I wrote about Mizuki Koyama(小山水城)was through her track, "River Side Café" from her 1985 debut album "Angel's Dream". That particular song was reminiscent of the softer side of City Pop or AOR a la Yurie Kokubu(国分友里恵)who served as a mentor to Koyama.

Another track is "Kare ni wa Kanawanai" which was also Koyama's single (maybe her only one). Tried to find the translation...according to Google, it came out as "Can't Beat Him", but I'm wondering if it might be more along the lines of "Can't Satisfy Him" or "Can't Meet His Demands". Penned by lyricist Masumi Kawamura(川村真澄)and composer Kyohei Tsutsumi(筒美京平), "Kare ni wa Kanawanai" contrasts with "River Side Café" in that it sounds more like an 80s R&B-tinged dance-pop number with Sheila E. helping out on percussion. If I were to compare her with a singer, perhaps Cindy is the one.

When things get back to normal, I will have to see about getting "Angel's Dream" if it's still available.

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