Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ryukyudisko -- OK Sampler

Almost 5 years ago, I encountered this Okinawan technopop duo called Ryukyudisko and wrote about their collaboration with band Beat Crusaders in "NICE DAY".

Brothers Tetsushi and Yosuke Hiroyama(廣山哲史・廣山陽介)got together with Japanese-American singer-songwriter Joe Inoue(井上ジョー)to make "OK Sampler" (the OK stands for Okinawa) as Ryukyudisko's 5th single from July 2008. It's a short and sweet burst of Okinawan twang and boppy beats paired with Inoue's stream of English. The official video above makes use of that ancient computer effect known as morphing. How natsukashii!


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