Monday, May 25, 2020

Yukari Yamamoto -- Mou Sukoshi Jikan wo Kudasai(もう少し時間を下さい)

There's that taste of summer out there. It's sunny and warm but we Canadians all still have to do that social distancing that we've been performing for the past couple of months. Incidentally, my congratulations to Japan for having its restrictions lifted; I really hope that any second wave of COVID-19 there is minimal.

It was an hour's walk all around including 5 minutes within the establishment itself, but for the first time in over 2 months, I actually set foot in a bricks-and-mortar shop that didn't sell food or medicine. My target was an office supplies store not too far from my home where I needed to pick up a printer toner cartridge and some printer paper. Didn't particularly go all starry-eyed when I was inside while remarking "So, this is what a store looks like! It's bigger on the inside than on the outside. It's a TARDIS!". I simply picked up, purchased and went home.

Let's start this final full week of May on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" with a 1970s aidoru who didn't stay on that career track for very long. I present Yukari Yamamoto(山本由香利)from the city of Kobe and Oita Prefecture who made her debut in September 1975 after tutelage from the late songwriter Masaaki Hirao(平尾昌晃)with "Komugi Iro no Omoide"(小麦色の思い出...Golden Brown Memories).

Actually, though, the song for this article is the B-side for that single, "Mou Sukoshi Jikan wo Kudasai" (A Little More of Your Time). It's a 1970s tune so wistful that it should have adorned the soundtrack for a shojo anime during that decade. Written by Haruo Hayashi(林春生)and composed by Hirao himself, the silky strings and those certain keyboards smack the nerves just right for that relaxing nostalgia flavour.

Between 1975 and 1978, Yamamoto released 6 singles and one album, and at the time, she had been groomed to be that teenybopper singer, but it looks like sometime down the line, she decided that she was better suited for acting. Since then she has appeared in numerous movies and TV shows.


  1. I'm confused. I was doing some research on google and discogs and discovered that "Yukari Yamamoto" indeed has an entry or two on discogs. However, this Yukari has TWO albums from the 80s. Any comments? I'd love to find information about her 70s releases.

    1. Hi there. I read your comments and did a bit of digging. I found out that there was another Yukari Yamamoto according to J-Wiki but with a different spelling (山本ゆかり) of her first name. And yep, she was an aidoru in the 1980s with those two albums, "Maji" and "Moment" and 6 singles between 1984 and 1988. Apparently, she also released one more single and album through Toshiba-EMI in the 1990s.

    2. That's amazing! Thank you for your efforts! That clears things up

    3. Also...sending you all best wishes from Kansas

    4. No problems here. All the best to you in Kansas from Toronto!


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