Friday, September 18, 2020

JADOES -- Hot Melody

Ever since I put up my first JADOES(ジャドーズ)song, "Friday Night" onto "Kayo Kyoku Plus", I've always envisaged this funky band as a Friday night group.

I swear when I first heard the group's "Hot Melody" from their "Free Drink" album released in July 1987, I had assumed that Toshiki Kadomatsu(角松敏生)must have had a hand in the arrangement. Everything from the synths to the background chorus screamed TK at me. However, in actual fact, it was vocalist Hideki Fujisawa(藤沢秀樹)and keyboardist Akihiko Hirama(平間あきひこ)behind the dynamic music for the much-anticipated end of a work week as Yui Masaki(真沙木唯)took care of the lyrics. Still, JADOES' J-Wiki article has Kadomatsu as an associated person with the band so I wouldn't be surprised if he did have some input into the works.

The reason that I put up my photograph of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Hall facing the sunset as the thumbnail was that I think "Hot Melody" is the type of song that should be accompanied by a music video of a drone soaring above the skyscrapers of the great megalopolis. There's something about this particular hot melody that welcomes visitors to the night portion of having fun in Tokyo.

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