Friday, September 18, 2020

Haruko Kuwana -- Show Me Your Smile


Show us YOUR smile, Haruko! You are absolutely photogenic!😍

Listening to this playfully sultry title track from Haruko Kuwana's(桑名晴子)May 1979 2nd album, "Show Me Your Smile", it has that light tropical feeling that had made me wonder whether Haruomi Hosono(細野晴臣)had some input into this rum-and-coke of a song. The answer would be no; this was all Kuwana's doing in terms of words and music.

I just love how relaxed everyone is in "Show Me Your Smile" as if they all had a cocktail or two before recording. Haruko and the musicians are all in mellow synch with one another. Plus, I especially enjoy how the singer's voice does that smooth parabolic curve down into the lower register before coming back up for air. Can easily imagine this one being on the playlist at any of her concerts...preferably in a tiki bar.

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