Thursday, September 17, 2020

TUBE -- Nihon no Natsu kara Konnichiwa(日本の夏からこんにちは)


With less than a week before Summer 2020 is done and heads to the heap of history, I just gotta put in one more article with Japan's band of the season.

Should have done this one some time ago but it kept getting bumped out. However this time, I'm fulfilling my vow to get TUBE's "Nihon no Natsu kara Konnichiwa" (Hello from the Japanese Summer) onto "Kayo Kyoku Plus" before September 21st. The band actually showed up on "Uta Kon"(うたコン)several weeks ago to perform this.

Written by TUBE vocalist Nobuteru Maeda(前田亘輝)and composed by guitarist Michiya Haruhata(春畑道哉), the title track from the boys' 34th album released in July 2020 is, despite its happy traditional raucousness, even more poignant in a way since there probably weren't any of the annual summer festivals in Japan this year due to the pandemic. The music video brings back some of those happy August memories in that mixture of minyo and typical TUBE summer fun.

You know that time has indeed passed by for TUBE and their fans including me when Maeda is more than happy to sound like an ojisan in the intro as he marvels at another torrid Japanese summer. As for the album, it peaked at No. 3. TUBE still hasn't lost its seasonal touch! Let's hope that 2021 will bring back the summer traditions again.

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