Friday, September 18, 2020

Blue Peppers -- Samidare Diary(さみだれダイアリー)


It's definitely the coldest morning that we've had in a long while...all of 7 degrees Celsius and although it's warmed up to about 18 or so, I think the signs are getting increasingly clear that autumn is just about upon us. As for the COVID-19 forecast, well, it looks like the second wave is upon us as well unfortunately as the daily infection rates blasted off into the 400s today. Looks like it'll be another bumpy 4-6 weeks, maybe.

Anyways, why don't we start off with something soothing to head into the weekend? Maybe the timing isn't spot-on, but "Samidare Diary" (Early Summer Rain Diary) is another wonderful tune from the mellow pop duo of Blue Peppers(ブルー・ペパーズ). It's somewhat melancholy, though, since the lyrics by Kaori Sakakibara(榊原香保里)are about a man's worries that his relationship with his girlfriend may gradually be coming to a natural end.

However, the lovely bossa nova-like arrangement by Blue Pepper Naoki Fukuda(福田直木)can't be denied. The combination of flute, gentle guitar and piano has me thinking of Vince Guaraldi, and the lone comment under the YouTube video compared "Samidare Diary" to something that singer-songwriter KAN would have tackled, a point that I can't disagree with. Perhaps the melody is one way to let the possibly soon-to-be former lovers down easy.

At just 3 minutes and change, the song is short and sweet, and it belongs to Blue Peppers' 2017 album "Retroactive". I've yet to hear of any new album coming out, and the latest news was from January 2020 about "Retroactive" being available for digital download, according to their website. It would make for some nice news if that second album eventually gets released.

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