Saturday, January 2, 2021

Kyoko Omiya & Orange -- Toki wo Modoshite(時を戻して)


Some months ago, I introduced this group onto the blog via their 1979 single "Season/Melody". Kyoko Omiya & Orange(大宮京子&オレンジ)is another one of those obscure groups that I was only able to discover through the "Light Mellow" CD series, a fact for which I will always be grateful to Toshikazu Kanazawa(金澤寿和), the journalist behind this grand campaign that started in the mid-2010s.

Through their lone 1980 album "Orange", I offer you the track "Toki wo Modoshite" (Bring Back the Time). Written by the same band members who whipped up "Season/Melody", lyricist Yuuji Sato(佐藤雄次)and composer Toshikazu Miura(三浦年一), unlike the folksy A and B sides, "Toki wo Modoshite" has more of the quieter AOR vibe a la Bread & Butter, and though this particular song hasn't shown up on a "Light Mellow" CD that I own, perhaps it will end up on a similar compilation somewhere if it hasn't already done so.

It would be nice to track down a copy of the album "Orange" since I do appreciate the tenderhearted vocals of Omiya along with the laidback arrangements. We can always have more calming moments during these times.

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