Saturday, January 2, 2021

milet -- inside you


I first heard about indies pop singer-songwriter milet (pronounced mirei) a few weeks ago when she appeared on an episode of "Uta Kon"(うたコン), and when I first heard her song "inside you", I didn't quite take notice of it then. Most likely, and admittedly it's a lame reason, it was because I was probably starting to nod off in the living room since I tend to do that nowadays after dinner. Yes, you may call me J-Canuck oji-chan.

However on New Year's Eve, I watched the Kohaku Utagassen where she appeared second on the Red Team lineup, and it was there that she stood out. With the Kohaku, especially over the past number of years, I've been accustomed to hearing and seeing a group of singers in the enka and aidoru genres so when someone or some band comes out that doesn't fit into either of those categories, my eyes and ears can perk up. Last year, my senses did gain interest because of King Gnu's performance at the 2019 Kohaku.

Well, with this somewhat logistically different Kohaku a few nights ago, there was milet up on a special stage among the thoroughly empty seats singing her 2019 EP's title track "inside you", and I think it was that setting that helped set the mood for the song, a ballad about a relationship in some trouble. If it had been a normal Kohaku, then she probably would have been singing on the regular massive stage at NHK Hall in front of the audience, but having her high up in the stands provided a more dramatic viewpoint for her performance and also some more interesting camera angles.

But let's not just praise the producers for the show. milet's vocals also stood out (especially in the refrain) for their combination of jagged and velvety nature as contrary as that may sound. In fact, although she may not sound as raw, maybe there's a bit of Ottawa-born Alanis Morisette (yes, haha, I mentioned "jagged" in the previous sentence and Alanis did have her "Jagged Little Pill") in there. According to the J-Wiki article on her, she's enjoyed the music of Sigur Rós and Björk, along with BOOM BOOM SATELLITES and ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION on the Japan side of things. If I can throw in one more Canadian reference, milet did study in the Great White North during her teenage years.

The "inside you" EP was released as her debut in March 2019 with milet behind the lyrics and the music was a collaborative effort between her and Toru from the rock band ONE OK ROCK. It reached No. 1 on the digital downloads and No. 16 on the Oricon CD charts. "inside you" was also used as the opening theme for the 2019 Fuji-TV drama "Scandal Senmon Bengoshi QUEEN"(スキャンダル専門弁護士 QUEEN...Queen: The Scandal Lawyer).


  1. Happy New Year. I'm doing fine in San Francisco.

    Yes, I noticed milet on Kouhaku this year too (Yes, I noticed her first because she's pretty). I found that watching Kouhaku every year is a good way to keep me up to date on what's happening in Japan's music scene to a certain extend. When the hosts introduced her, I thought she's going to sing an English song. She looks like someone who was born and raised in the US and went back to Japan for a singing career. Yes, I'm talking about someone like Utada Hikaru.

    This year, I pretend to be Japanese and actually watched Kouhaku on New Year's Eve via a Chinese website called bilibili :) Can't wait to read your upcoming article regarding your thoughts on this year's Kouhaku.

    1. Hi, Larry and Happy New Year to you as well. I hope that you are staying safe in San Francisco.

      Indeed, the Kohaku has also been informational for me just to find out who the new singers and bands are. I was checking out some more of milet's material, and at least one of them sounds a lot more pop.

      Well, if you're interested in finding out what I thought about the Kohaku, I just put up the article right now. Have a look!


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