Friday, March 19, 2021

Junko Ohashi & Minowa Central Station -- OOH BOY


Yep, it's a Friday night and therefore there will be some of that City Pop tonight, so we gotta have Junko Ohashi & Minowa Central Station(大橋純子・美乃家セントラル・ステイション), the same folks behind the wonderful "Crystal City" album, back on for yet another song.

Ooh, boy and it's another banger! In fact, it is indeed titled "OOH BOY" and this was Ohashi's 15th single from July 1980. It's got that City Pop funk-and-strut but with some extra buzzy guitar for some rock edge, and of course, there's that boomer voice belonging to the lady. Nothing better for a traipse in downtown Tokyo in the late 20th century.

Composed by Ken Sato(佐藤健), Masako Arikawa's(有川雅子)lyrics relate the story of a lady who's more than willing to not only wrap men around her many fingers but then unfurl them into the ditch with barely a shrug and her mantra of "Hey, that's the type of woman I am...see ya!". Yet she also shouts out "Give me a chance!" to her suitors. Not sure if there is some split personality thing going on in there. 

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