Friday, May 14, 2021

All-Points Bulletin: Name This Tune


From time to time, we get requests here at "Kayo Kyoku Plus" from people who are looking for the identity of certain mystery songs and their singers. It's certainly something that I sympathize with because I still have a few of my own tunes that I have been searching the details for almost since I began enjoying kayo kyoku forty years ago.

A fellow named Thiesli, as a member of a community that has been resolving mystery tunes, came to me a few days ago asking about a couple of songs for which I was able to help. But this morning, there was another request from him regarding this particular song that had been posted on YouTube back in September 2018 with no idea of a name or a title. It sounds quite quirky along the lines of an 80s Taeko Ohnuki(大貫妙子)tune and the vocalist is a bit reminiscent of Shizuka Kudo(工藤静香), although I know that it isn't her.

According to Thiesli, there had been a resolution but it has since been proven false. He also sent me a link to a blog posting about the song being discovered on some sort of presumably bootleg audiotape bought in Akihabara. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to come up with any identification this time but perhaps someone out there can help out.


  1. I'm going to ask some Japanese YouTube channels about it... thank you for posting about this case.

    1. No problems, Thiesli. Hope you have success.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.