Friday, May 14, 2021

Minako Ito -- Saigo no Regatta(最後のレガッタ)


The bow of the Nippon Maru
in Yokohama

Hopefully all of you are enjoying your lead-up to the weekend. Some good and bad news on the COVID front here in the Toronto area. Daily cases have decreased once again but unfortunately all of the summer events have had to be cancelled so fans of events such as the Honda Indy and The Taste of the Danforth in Greektown will have to wait at least another year.

Anyways, let's start off our urban contemporary Friday with "Saigo no Regatta" (The Final Regatta) by Minako Ito(伊藤美奈子)from her 2nd album "Yuu Gyotou"(誘魚灯...Inviting Fish Lights) from March 1984. I've already written about the title track and back then, I hadn't been sure about the proper pronunciation of the title but I think that it is probably indeed "Yuu Gyutou".

As with that title track, "Saigo no Regatta" was created by lyricist Shun Taguchi(田口俊)and composer Jin Kirigaya(桐ケ谷仁), and because of that certain keyboard being utilized, I can't help but be reminded of Yuming's(ユーミン)"Cinderella Express"(シンデレラエクスプレス). Couldn't find the lyrics online but the song itself sounds more like a wistful mid-tempo love ballad than any sort of boat event. Melodically speaking, I will never turn down a Fender Rhodes, tight horns and silky strings in a song, and though it has its melancholy side, I think overall there is quite a bit of hope and sunrise in "Saigo no Regatta".

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