Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Feifei Ouyang -- Odorasete(踊らせて)


Ah, yes...that tender scene of a dimly-lit but expensive bar in Tokyo with the mixologist in full dress as he expertly creates a concoction just for that lonely woman unto herself.

That's definitely the image that I get in my head as I listen to Feifei Ouyang's(欧陽菲菲)"Odorasete" (Let Me Dance), a stylish if slightly woozy song of class from her September 1984 album "Both Sides ~ Wasurete Ii no"(忘れていいの...It's OK to Forget). Composer Katsuo Ono(大野克夫)has certainly come up with some funky and jazzy tunes such as the theme song for "Meitantei Conan"(名探偵コナン)but he can also create the more tenderhearted ballads as well, and "Odorasete" is definitely in the latter category.

With Ouyang languidly interpreting Yukinojo Mori's(森雪之丞)lyrics, there is that sub-genre that I've mentioned here and there called Fashion Music, and so I guess, the singer can join others such as Ruiko Kurahashi(倉橋ルイ子)and Mieko Nishijima(西島三重子)on the chaise lounge. It would be a good fit, too, since both Ouyang and Kurahashi have sung their versions of the karaoke classic "Love Is Over", and I've noticed that composer Ono has provided the latter with plenty of songs in the 1980s as well. Personally, I wouldn't mind listening to "Odorasete" while I sip back a Bailey's Irish Cream.

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