Monday, April 4, 2022

DJ Misoshiru to MC Gohan -- Just A Jisui(ジャスタジスイ)


Nope...that dish on the right may not appear too attractive but it was more than good enough for me. That was the stir-fry beef and bean sprouts that I often made for dinner while living in Japan, but as you can see from the time stamp, I had the leftovers for lunch with rice...along with some Pringles sour cream-and-onion potato chips (yeah...not exactly healthy cuisine, but...). I'm still able to cook here at home now and then, but it was back in my Ichikawa days that I could indulge in some more dishes on the stove.

DJ Misoshiru to MC Gohan(DJみそしるとMCごはん)is a rapping artist who I first found out about a few years ago when I heard her supremely "Apron Boy"(エプロンボーイ)which was partially used for one of KHORnime's intros of anime clips on YouTube and totally used as the theme song for the anime "Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan"(えみやさんちの今日のご飯...Today's Menu for Emiya's Family). I keep looking at that name and forgetting that all of it just represents that one person from Shizuoka Prefecture.

Looking at her J-Wiki profile some more, I learned that she got into her food-based rap tunes from around 2012 as a student at Kagawa Nutrition University in Saitama Prefecture. She'd found it difficult to cook while looking at recipe printouts and online recipes in the kitchen, so she surmised that if she were able to sing out the steps through rap (like in the video above), it would make things easier for her. And so, DJ Misoshiru to MC Gohan was born.

She's released seven albums and mini-albums up to 2018 and her 3rd album from April 2015 is "Just A Jisui" (Just Cooking For Myself) whose title track is a bass-heavy hip-pop tune about the wonders of whipping up dishes at home. It's certainly something that I can relate to as I watch the happy video of folks doing their thing in the kitchen, and it reminds me when I was on holiday and could afford the time to make pasta and stir-fry among other things. Incidentally, "Just A Jisui" was created by DJ Misoshiru to MC Gohan and Kataomoi(片想い)while the entire album managed to hit No. 61 on Oricon. Some other good news is that between my first article and this one, the DJ also got married in 2020.

My own take on unadon
thanks to some supermarket eel!

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