Friday, August 5, 2022

Chickenshack -- I'm A Good Girl


My most recent Chickenshack article was just a few months ago in March. I wrote about "The Future Funk", a track on the fusion band's 1987 album "Chickenshack III", and boy, it truly was super funky.

Well this time around, I have another track from "Chickenshack III" but this one is a whole lot mellower and worthy of a Corona complete with lemon wedge inside the neck. From the title, "I'm A Good Girl" might sound rather salacious but actually it is a pretty sweet tune created by the late saxophonist Hidefumi Toki(土岐英史)and Maxayn Lewis. Vocalist Michelle Lovett relates the story about a lady having the hots for a particular guy. 

The lyrics might come across as if there should have been a lot of disco funk imbued into the arrangement but the atmosphere is all summer beach patio by a bar; namely I'm getting more Eizin Suzuki(鈴木英人)artwork vibes than anything illustrated in a downtown dance hall. The sunny keyboards and Toki's sax solo enhance that.

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