Monday, August 15, 2022

Masa (Sora Satoh) -- Danshari Dance


Ah...yes, Marie Kondo(近藤麻理恵). There was that time in ancient pre-pandemic history where the KonMari Method was grabbing our inner neat freaks, wasn't there? If it sparks joy, keep it; if it doesn't, ditch it. Regrettably, if any of you see my room, it will be become painfully obvious that I never cottoned onto the method. However, my collection of music still sparks plenty of joy within me.😁

According to singer-songwriter and City Pop educator, Masa, Ms. Kondo was the one who inspired my friend to create his latest treat, "Danshari Dance" which came out on platforms such as Apple and Spotify only a few days ago. For him, "Danshari Dance" is all about "...throwing away both physical and mental mess to be free!". He is right, y'know. You can't have all sorts of crud on the disco floor if you wanna properly boogie all night.

Masa has created what he has described as a disco funk City Pop song in the vein of Kirinji(キリンジ)in the late 2010s. Specifically, I do believe that he was further inspired by the band's catchy tune "Jikan ga nai"(時間がない)which came out back in 2018. Good to have his annual song on board and "Danshari Dance" can be compared to the Tatsuro Yamashita-influenced(山下達郎)"No Matter What, No Matter Where" debut single in 2020, and his 2021 Hiroshi Sato-vibing(佐藤博)"Komorebi"(木洩れ日)

Where will the lad go next? Fujimal Yoshino(芳野藤丸)? Minako Yoshida(吉田美奈子)? The sky's the limit.

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