Saturday, September 24, 2022

Miyuki Fujikawa -- Asa(朝)

Once again, I've come across a singer who was basically one-and-done with the accompanying dearth of any information whatsoever. What little I could find was through "" once more, and it only mentions that Miyuki Fujikawa(藤川みゆき)was born in September 1955 in the city of Kobe.

As I mentioned, according to that website, Fujikawa only released one single called "Asa" (The Morning) in March 1975. Although it didn't mention whether she was an aidoru or not, I can glean from her age and her vocals that she was probably treated as a teenybopper singer. Written by Mieko Arima(有馬三恵子)and composed by Masaaki Hirao(平尾昌晃), there is that 1970s aidoru feeling but at the same time, that soprano saxophone and the bass made me wonder whether there was some Mood Kayo thrown in as well.

That was all she wrote about Fujikawa. Since the above video has no display of what she looked like, I have put up a copy of the cover of "Asa" at the top.

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