Saturday, September 24, 2022

Buffalo Daughter -- Great Five Lakes


Well, I noticed from the article count that this particular article is No. 9000 after over a decade of work by all of us on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", so another milestone achieved. Maybe if we're still going strong next year, No. 10000 can be reached. In any case, enjoy this photo of the boardwalk along Lake Ontario.

Speaking of Lake Ontario, I will be devoting No. 9000 to a song called "Great Five Lakes" which is the direct translation of the Japanese term "godaiko"(五大湖)for the Great Lakes. And this was created and performed by the eclectic band Buffalo Daughter. I've already written a couple of songs by this group: "Oui Oui" and "Cold Summer".

"Great Five Lakes" hails from their January 1998 2nd album "New Rock", and it's a weird and wacky and catchy entry which might be avant-pop or very light hip-pop with some 80s dance remix effects flung in for interesting effect. It's all delivered in a sing-song way so I can only wonder whether suGar Yoshinaga(シュガー吉永), Yumiko Ohno(大野由美子)and MoOoG Yamamoto(山本ムーグ)had wanted to come up with something that could be considered to be an indies tune for kids. Regardless, the music video for the short version of the song must have been one massive labour-intensive undertaking while working in New York City. The result is well worth it, though.

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