Sunday, September 25, 2022

Snow Man -- Midnight Trendy(ミッドナイト・トレンディ)


The first time I heard of Snow Man, my first thought was "Frosty?". That was back in late 2020 and I then learned that this was one of the latest Johnny's Entertainment aidoru groups to make themselves known in the post-Arashi(嵐)era. Snow Man had just been invited to join the Kohaku Utagassen for that year, only for one member of the group to catch COVID which led to all of them having to cancel their appearance. However, Snow Man was happily able to show up for the 2021 edition of the New Year's Eve special on NHK.

A couple of days ago, a commenter for my recent article on SPARKLING☆CHERRY's "Mirage" mentioned that Snow Man had released their second album on September 21st, titled "Snow Labo. S2", with one of their tracks having a certain City Pop bent. That would be the aptly titled "Midnight Trendy", and yeah, it's pretty cool if short at less than three minutes. But the songwriter Umi Kinami(きなみうみ)has managed to cram in a lot of that urban contemporary essence and still make it sound like a Johnny's group experience.

(empty karaoke version)

Come to think of it, it's nice to have the ol' Van Paugam experience with the above homemade video, isn't it? Anyways, one surprising thing about Snow Man is that the group has been around since 2012, although in the very beginning, they were more of a sub-unit of the pre-debut trainee group, Johnny's Jr. according to their Wikipedia profile. However, their debut single finally came out in January 2020.


  1. I stumbled across this article as Snow Man is one of my favorite groups. They actually posted a live version of this today on their Youtube channel.


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