Friday, December 16, 2022

Opus Science Collective -- Akai Shiro


This has been waiting in the backlog for some months, but I'm happy to finally give this video its due on "Kayo Kyoku Plus". Just looking at Opus Science Collective's cover for his 2021 album "Yume no Machi" (夢の街...City Dreams), I figured that I would be getting something cool and slick.

And sure enough, "Akai Shiro" (Red Castle) is a groovy and percolating instrumental number hearkening back to the 1980s and 1990s life of metropolitan Japan. OSC actually titled it as a reference to Mt. Akagi where his in-laws live according to one of his blog entries, but the song itself really feels like a pleasant stroll in some futuristic Japanese utopia with air cars whizzing by among gleaming towers. At the same time, there is also that reassuring calmness that reminds me of "One Wish" by Hiroshima.

I've been doing some quick reading through OSC's blog and I believe that this musician and producer from the United Kingdom started his career some time in the late 2010s as he explored the wonders of synthpop, funk, retrowave, and other genres. He's got quite a number of the interesting entries but have a special read through Parts 1 and 2 of "New Album Pre-Release Discussion" leading up to the introduction of "Yume no Machi". As well, take a look at his thoughts on Yellow Magic Orchestra.

To wrap up, you can even give OSC's earlier 2019 album "Ideality" a good listen as well.

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