Friday, December 16, 2022

Selfish -- Spinning Wheels


I've already gotten a couple of articles on the blog regarding the trio Selfish who were into the 1990s City Pop scene with the synthesizers of that decade. The most recent article was written up back in August 2020 for their October 1993 single "Realize".

From their 1993 debut album "Colors of Love", I've got their opening track "Spinning Wheels" which was written by Shun Taguchi(田口俊)and composed by Selfish trumpeter Naoki Otsubo(大坪直樹). A song of making use of that second chance to make things right for a couple whose relationship may be nearing some treacherous rocks, it's got some hints of New Jack Swing although I think that "Spinning Wheels" floats over the line between City Pop and straight pop. There is also a nice instrumental bridge featuring a sparkling piano.

Speaking of spinning wheels, it was crazy on the streets yesterday here in Toronto with cars slip-sliding all over the place due to a day-long storm. Plus, we had a little flood at our place which didn't make for a happy Thursday. Luckily things are much nicer today.

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