Saturday, January 21, 2023

Masahiro Kuwana -- Sameta Yume(醒めた夢)


Usually when I think of the late Masahiro Kuwana(桑名正博), sounds of City Pop with a touch of rock come to mind.

However, this track in his 2nd album "Masahiro II"(マサヒロ・II)from July 1977 hits somewhat different. "Sameta Yume" (Waking from a Dream). Written and composed by Kuwana, it kinda falls somewhere among a regular summery kayo, a 1960s American pop tune with a similar rhythm to Otis Redding's "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" and even Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville" which was released some months before Kuwana's album.

"Sameta Yume" is simply a relaxing beachside pop song with Kuwana's strong and soulful voice. One can easily drink a true margarita to this one and with the weather these days, I can certainly fantasize the imagery. Hope all of you are having a good weekend wherever you are. "Masahiro II" also has a couple of tracks that I've already written about: "Sayonara no Natsu"(さよならの夏)and "Aishuu Tonight"(哀愁トゥナイト).

1 comment:

  1. Relaxing is the right the word! This song would make for good BGM or and ending theme to a t.v. show as the credits roll on by.


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