Friday, March 10, 2023

All-Points Bulletin: Name This Tune


Some minutes ago, I received word through the Contact Form about another mystery song lurking about to join the famous "Fly Away" Akiba tape. Dubbed "Wagamama"(わがまま...Selfish), the explanation by uploader SPS is that it was digitally transferred by a Sony CFD-5 into Audacity. It's a wonderfully sung performance by the smoky-voiced (just about mahogany) chanteuse, and the whole thing reminds me of material that anyone like Miyuki Nakajima(中島みゆき), Tokiko Kato(加藤登紀子)and Iruka(イルカ)have sung.

One commenter under the YouTube video has likened it to Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" while I also think it has similarities to "Jidai"(時代)by the aforementioned Nakajima. Also, it's important to note that one other commenter who has a hobby in sound engineering has indicated that it could be just someone who isn't in the industry at all but loves singing as her own hobby and simply made a home recording. The video has been up since last December so perhaps a number of you are already aware of it but just in case, at the person's request, I've put up this APB.


  1. Thanks for the post, J-Canuck.

    Maybe will have to find a way to escalate this to a large, active and probably older Japanese board.

    1. Yep, that will be a good idea. The blog has had some success with APBs but it's not the end-all or be-all of investigations.

  2. Well, in addition to "Everyone Knows That" being found, so has "Wagamama"!!!

    Starting at 32 seconds.

    I can't find any info, but if you watch in 720p and blow it up the album number and Kanji are visible.

    This is a cover of the song:

    But I can't find any info on Sara Minase

    1. Hello, Robert. Thanks for the information that another orphan in the Lostwave batch has found a home. The recorded version in your first URL sounds like it was given the modern Mood Kayo/New Adult Music treatment a la Yasuko Naito's "Roppongi Lullaby".

      Couldn't find any information on Minase either even through her kanji, although she's listed on the JASRAC database for what I assume are the A and B sides to "Yume demo Ii kara". Both music and words were provided by Mikio Sato. Those are the only two songs present.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.